Another Tack: The Preeminent Post-Zionist Oligarchy

Naomi Shemer- “I didn’t go where the thought-police ordained that I should.”

Naomi Shemer- “I didn’t go where the thought-police ordained that I should.”

When Jews commit ideological murder it’s man bites dog. The rarity and shock then serve as just about the most expedient excuse for settling internal political scores.

It was only to be expected that two unrelated homicidal attacks would instigate the current blame-fest against the majority of the nation lumped collectively (and contemptuously) into the so-called right-wing. It always was so. History buffs can point to the Arlozoroff assassination but no need to delve that far. Suffice it to say, that local prejudices don’t evaporate. They just conveniently transmute.

Nonetheless, one premise remains unalterable – the Left is presumed righteous and the Right can do no right.

I got these basic political insights at a very young age from two friends of my parents’. They used to drop by on occasion and I could never tell them apart. They were identical twins – incredibly identical. They looked the same, spoke the same and behaved the same. The only difference between them was in their politics – about which each was as intense as the other. Continue reading